„An excellent course with a unique trainer.”
Exercise 16.2.1 | Exercise |
Das ist ja unglaublich! (W) | Example sentences |
starren | to stare |
verneinen | to negate |
vorbeischauen | 1. to drop in, 2. to stop by, 3. to call at |
der Vorwurf, -"e | reproach |
die Schuld, -en | guilt, fault |
die Unordnung | 1. disorder, 2. mess |
die Unruhe, -n | restlessness, agitation |
das Geschrei | 1. shouting, 2. yelling |
bequem | 1. comfortable, 2. easy to reach, 3. lazy |
schlimm | bad |
schuldig | 1. guilty, 2.due, 3. blamable |
unbequem | uncomfortable |
unschön | unpleasant |
unschuldig | innocent |
unzufrieden | 1. displeased, 2. unhappy, 3. discontented |
Lesson 16 | Exercise 16.2.1 | Exercise |
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