Deutsch Interaktiv - Exercises

Exercise 19.5.4

Der Ball des Kindes – der Ball von Fritz (G)Example sentences
entwerfen* 1. to create, 2. to conceptualize, 3. to shape, 4. to sketch, 5. to design, 6. to draw   (entwirft, entwarf, hat entworfen)
heraussuchen to select
der Eiffelturm, -"e the Eiffel Tower
der Fahrscheinautomat, -en (train/ tram/ bus) ticket machine   (n-Dekl.)
der Professor, -en professor
die Heimatstadt, -"e home town
die Silvesterparty, -s New Year's Eve party
notwendig required
runter down
Lesson 19 Exercise 19.5.4 Exercise

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